Friday, December 5, 2008



I'm super tired now. Not to mention super in pain. =( I kinda.. well... kena gastric again.

Yes people, AGAIN. =/ Eesh. I really need to start eating.
Amber : I told you so.

So anyways. GENTING WAS FUN WEI. xD Especially the part where I have retarded conversations with Rachel, her sister and her friends.

Retarded topic #1.

Farting chickens.
Melissa : We saw this rubber chicken that farts when you press it yesterday in a mall. (or something like that. I can't remember conversations okay?)
Rachel : Okay, so my sister bent down to tie her shoe lace and I pressed the button. xD

Retarded topic #2.

Sugar Glider
Rachel : I want a sugar glider!! It's so cute!! It'll glide when you toss it.
Layin : I thought it was called 'sugar DADDY'?
Layin : *blush* I THOUGHT!!!
Rachel : I can imagine tossing that guy out of the window. xD
Melissa : Poor guy.
Rachel : *mimes tossing that guy out*
- guy : so you'll call me then!!! -
HAHAHAHAHAHA. So desperate. xD

And I can't remember the 3rd retarded topic. =/

ANYWAYSSS. Genting = nice. And not to mention 2(and a half) out of 5 of my wishes came true!!

Ahhh. =) Genting is really a magical place. =)

Wanna know about my wish?

  1. HE will be somehow be there.
  2. I'll meet someone I know.
  3. HE will suddenly start talking to me again.
  4. A cute guy will come up to me and say 'hi'.
  5. I'll meet a cute guy and we'll become friends. =)

Yea yea. Stop saying I'm desperate okay. =/ Well, as you might guess, every wish with the word "HE" didn't come true. So #2,4 was SO COOL. And 5, well, half half. I would happen if I talk. Lemme explain. Read on if you must.

#2. After walking around for sometime, I saw Kimberly (form 1). We hugged and kept repeating "omg". xD

#4. We were eating at Kenny Rodgers and then this SUPER cute guy came up to me and asks if the chair beside me is occupied. Well, it still counts as Hi, right? xD

#5. While waiting for our last right (which is only the 3rd), behind me was this guy and he was playing a game with his friends. If was really funny. xD So I started giggling. Then he turned around, looked at me and smiled. I smiled back la. :) And then I walked away and his friends kept pointing at me and nudging and laughing. Lol. Now I just regretted not stopping and ask for his email address. =( But we were in a hurry to leave!! Sigh. He was SO AMAZINGLY CUTE WEI.

Chill Layin... chill.. It's JUST a guy. I'll load photos later. xD

So yea. It started pouring RIGHT WHEN IT WAS ABOUT OUR TURN TO GET ON THE ROLLER COASTER. So much for that 45 minutes waiting. Pfft.

Oh OHHH. Snoworld!!!!! xD I LOVE THAT PLACE WEI. It's so... snowy... and COLD... and and and... ICEY.
Gwen : Isn't it always, Layin. =.=

Hahaha. It was fun throwing snowballs at Rachel and Melissa. And having her and Melissa toss snowballs at me. x)

Oh OHH. And we saw clowns!! And I said 'hi' to every single clown I saw. =) Hahahaha. So like me, right?

And we spent like, RM28 trying our luck to win a prize. xD

Yea. Oh and the cable car. xD lols. Aiyah you had to be there lah. =)

Over and out!

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