Wednesday, February 18, 2009


You know what?

I need clicking lessons.

Seems like I can't click something WITHOUT clicking twice...

Argh. So everytime when I send a message in the chatbox, TWO same messages are sent.


Today was okay. Art was (amazingly), FINE. x) Didn't get scolded.

That, and my day was AWESOME.

So maybe it didn't start off well. But it had a splendid ending.

Just a random fact,

I don't think me having so many names is cool. I mean. YEA, I DO LA. I mean. ARGH. I wanna be proud of myself. Just for once. I have them for special reasons. Amanda's mom gave me the name 'Lynn'. My Australian 'parents' gave me the name 'Ling'. Arthur gave me the name 'Layin'. Uncle Alan gave me the name 'Jennifer'. And I know it's lame. But I like it a lot. Fine, so maybe it's rather complicated when I have to introduce myself. And it's rather hard for me to remember what name you use to call me. But I love my name. Every one of them. =)

*no offence to anyone who thinks it's lame*

And my birthday wish came true. I finally had a proper conversation with another girl called Lay Yin. 6 years. Since 1st March 2002. (not 7 coz it's not March yet)

*ahem* quote quote "I wish to have specs when I grow up (OMG. DON'T ASK WHY. I SO REGRET WISHING THAT NOW) and talk to a nice person called Lay Yin." - note : It's translated. Actually the name part I wrote my Chinese name, but nyeh, close enough.

- wo zhang da hou *when i grow up* yao ke yi *(I) want to be able to* dai yan jing *wear specs* he zao yi ge hen hao de ren *and find a very nice person* jiao li ying *called Lay Yin* jiao peng you *and make friends* -

And you think writing diaries since young is bad. Pfft. So making friends is a little too much. =) Talking online is fine enough.

I take my thoughts back. Jessica (Layyin) was friendly after all. And I kinda like the way she calls me 'girl'. :) It reminds me of Darius. It's rather weird though, when we call each other. I feel like I'm calling myself. And she feels like she's talking to herself too. HAHAHAHA. :D

God, I thank You for giving me the sudden urge to find people named Lay Yin. Or I'd never have come upon Jessica and Vivian who were so nice to me the whole time. And I thank You for letting me find my childhood diary again before it was sold to the old-news-paper-man.

I'm really sorry I thought she wasn't the friendliest person to know before knowing her well. She is friendly. And OOOH. Pretty too. *envy envy*

And Layyin's right. I SHOULD blog what I want. =/



you know who you are.

O.o So random. But yeah, I just wanna spill that out.

There. Felling all better. :D

Over and out.

*Dear Layyin,

I promise I wont use your name to talk to your friends or reply your messages or invade your life in any way at all. A promise is a promise. So no need to worry.


1 comment:

Ch3s7nu7 V1V1 said...

first of all... i want to intro myself in chinses..
It sounds sme as urs but i think might b difrent word.. u noe chinses words... hehe...