Thursday, February 12, 2009


Okay. So maybe I DO need to take some time out to keep this blog alive.

Anyone knows how to do Blog CPR?

Mine's dying. AGAIN.


Okay umm lets see.

This week has been fine so far. :D

Tuesday we didn't have Sejarah and Art. *Starts dancing around crazily*

Then today we didn't have double science. :D *Continues dancing*

And gymrama seems fine.

PJK time was scary. :O
So maybe I shouldn't run and laugh loudly when I'm having cough.

Laughing = Can't breathe
Coughing = Can't breathe
Runing = Need to breathe.

Do the math.

I ended up sitting on the floor coughing and breathing at the same time.

NOT a good sign.

I blame Gwen for the laughing part.

Nevertheless, awesome week this has been.

Reminder : -
  • Need to stop sending 50 messages a day.
  • Get a valentine.
  • Get a new crush.
  • Make sure new crush is either same age, or older.
  • Stop talking crap.
  • Stop typing crap in blog.

I guess that's all.

Over and out.

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