Saturday, March 14, 2009

Miserable Birthday.

My birthday was depressing then ever much?

Only my friends remembered my birthday.
Oh. and my MAID.

My dad was outstation, AGAIN.
My mom forgot my birthday, AGAIN.
My brother doesn't know my birthday AT ALL.

*sigh* Who needs them, right?

Oh. It wasn't that depressing until it started raining, THE WHOLE DAY.

And well, my birthday wasn't much to remember. It wasn't what you called A MEMORABLE DAY. but it was supposed to be

So the whole day I was smsing ppl. It was the only way to keep me busy from thinking about how MISERABLE my birthday was.

So maybe it won't sound miserable to you. But it was to me, VERY.

Morning, and whole afternoon, I spent my time in my room smsing ppl. People like Duckie, Zhi Pei, Xin Yuan and Calvin.

And besides, I hate thunderstorms, it was raining cats and dogs outside. And lightning lit the sky like fireworks while thunder roar the whole time. =.=

Oh and you know what?

LEON FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY. That doesn't help things AT ALL. Yea, so much for that present you want to give me, or should I say WANTED. Arthur and Wei Ren forgot my birthday too... Thanks, guys. *rolls eyes* you make me SO happy. And yes, being sarcastic makes me feel better, actually.

Evening time, my dad came home. I'm surprised. He brought us to dinner. The restaurant he wanted to take us to was FULL. That made him rather annoyed.

So in the end, we decided to have pizza for dinner. My mom wasn't very happy with that idea but she ate in silence anyway. She doesn't like fast food. I know coz she started complaining the next day. And on the way to Pizza Hut, coz it was raining, the traffic was BAD. My dad got very very very angry and well, you know the rest. *sigh* The rain died down eventually, and we arrived at Pizza Hut with only a few drips of raindrops on our shirts.

BUT THEN. When we were about to walk to our car, IT STARTED POURING ALL OVER.

Heck. I got SOAKED coming back from dinner. No wait. MY WHOLE FAMILY got soaked.

Thanks, God. =.= THANKS.

My brother got annoyed. My mom wasn't very happy. My dad was FURIOUS. And me? I got ill.

I got ill on my BIRTHDAY. How nice, NO? =.=

Only school made me feel better. I got presents. A pencil case (PINK. :D) from Hui Yi, a monkey T-shirt from who else? GWEN. An AWESOME drawing and yummy desserts from Zhi Pei, Brownie, from Boon Ling, Chocolates and Patches from Jun Hou and last but not least, Swisheey from Wee Teck.

Tho I WAS looking forward to a surprised party. Even tho I was totally over it. I was rather hoping for one to make up for that unmemorable birthday at home.

Ah well. Sad birthdays never end happily.

I'm sorry I haven't been updated. Exams just ended. Oh and...


Thanks for being such an awesome friend you guys. Love you ALL. :D

You were there for me when I need you.
You were there for me when I don't.
You were there for me to cry on.
You were there for me to laugh at.
You were there to share joy with me.
You trust me enough to share pain.
You were there to make me happy.
You were there when I'm sad.

Thank you guys and thank God I know you.

Oh and a special belated birthday to : -


You were there when I needed comfort.
You were there to listen.
You were there when I need advice.
You were there to show me which road I should choose.
You were there to guide me where to go.
You were there when I needed someone.
You were there when I was insecure.
You were there when I was unhappy.
And I will treasure those moments forever.

I'm sorry I assumed you only talked to me when you needed something.
I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to be my friend from the start.
I'm sorry if I've ever made you upset in anyway.
I just want you to know no matter what happens, I'll try my best to be there for you.

I'll try and update more?

Oh, and Hui Yi's house was DA BOMB. :D

Help me thank your mom too :D



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