Friday, January 30, 2009

donation form.

Remember the cross country thingy?


It's full. So I added 2 extra papers.

Shall I continue?

Thank you : -
24. Tan Lay Ken (My fat brother)
25. Tini Suartini (My awesome maid)
26. Lee Kim Mui (My mama. :D )
27. Dennis Berneckers (My australian uncle)
28. Lee Heng Boon (My uncle, my very childish uncle.)
29. Lee Heng Fook (My other uncle. Also very childish.)
30. Andrew Wong (My selfish cousin but after being harrassed by me actually donated RM1)
31. Tan Lay Guan (My sumo cousin!! WHOOO~)
32. Gan Hua Pey (My really pretty now-working-in-Singapore cousin)
33. Aplana Ngongo (My another awesome -and younger- maid who dresses very fashionably)
34. Tan Lay Bueh (don't ask)
35. Tan Lay Cuan (Lay Guan's brother)
36. Law You Zhun (don't ask either)
37. Lee Jiang Lin (My funny awesome smart pretty cousin)
38. Lee Kim Pei (My twin)
39. Naresh. M (Mr Naresh!! :D)
40. Khor Wee Jin (That super awesome guy who donated RM5 without me even asking)
41. Chang GuoFeng (That kiam siap person)
42. Siow Kwan Sheen (The nice dude beside Jun Shern)
43. Yoong Loong Juan (The guy whose hair is always long, but has a kind heart)
44. Tham Joon Chin (The guy who bullies me everyday yet donated a generous amount)
45. Jonathan Ong (The guy with an interesting blog)
46. Ang Khai Li (The sweet girl from form 1 :) )
47. Yap Chien Shean (another kiam siap person)
48. Adam Yap (The super nice 3K assistant monitor)
49. Joshua Mohan (The nice fella from next class, 3P -yes i'm in 3W-)
50. R. Sanggetha (My 1st pet sister and the best)
51. Chee Gee Keat (The prefect who sued me for harrassing students for money)
52. Jia Xin (The super sweet girl - My awesome friend)
53. Prime Ch'ng (The really cool guy with a really cool name who's really really friendly)
54. Lee Kok Yung (The little cute fella from P class too. =) )
55. Raphael Lim (The really tall dude who's friends with GuoFeng)
56. Hiroki (The cute Japanese boy who can't speak Japanese and has never been to Japan.)
57. Yap Hooi Yeen (The dude who is crazy enough to donate RM10)
58. Ashwin Arumugam (My super nice prefect friend. Don't know what i'll do without him)
59. Lam Li Yang (The funny dude who annoys every teacher he sees)
60. Chai Jia En (Another class clown. :) )
61. Fiona Yong (The awesome P class assistant monitor)
62. Susan Yee (Another awesome prefect friend. She's a perfect prefect)
63. Wong Mun Yee (That super pretty girl who's kind enough to help Javeny everyday)
64. Yip Kay Hou (That generous dude who was a close friend)
65. Nicholas Louis (That weird dude who makes me laugh)
66. Khoo Tim Wai (The really sweet Form2 guy -i don't know him- who offered to donate. :D )
67. Pravin Thangarajoo (The super sweet Indian dude who's really really friendly)
68. Ooi Eng Seng (Another kiam siap one)
Thank you guys SO much. =)

Over and out

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